Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Iui day

Lo is super active this time, not sure what happened or changed. I have been taking Royal Jelly since September, could that have been the reason? Normally I only count on the RO because the left side never wanted to produce anything.
This morning we showed up an hour late because I thought when RE says "come back in the morning", it really means "just pick a morning time", so we naively showed up at 945. It was almost too late, but they took me in anyway. Since I triggered at 830 last night, and had no sign of natural ovulation, I am probably not ovulating until late tonight or tomorrow. For that reason, I would prefer to have the sperm waiting around at the time of ovulation (when the eggs actually meet the sperms), that can take sometime even if the eggs are being released into the flopian tubes. Ideally, the fresher the sperm the better, so I wouldn't want to let the sperms wait around too long. One of the RE said the frozen sperms can live up up 2 days. That just sounds too good to be true... Anyway, I'm back for another iui tomorrow then officially, the 2 WW. I can't remember how many 2WW I have gone through and how many disappointment here had been. However we must keep trying.

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