Friday, September 28, 2012

IUI October 2011!

Wipe away the tears and here we go again! Stared the stim yesterday, estimated trigger date between Oct 8-10. I'm using Gonal F and folistim, luckily this time we are using the left over meds!
Ian still taking royal jelly x2/day, I don't feel anything special yet but we will see how many follies we will have next Tuesday!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Natural cycle in progress

Here we are again, our 6th iui, 2nd unmedicsted cycle. Clinic gave ok the do the insemination today.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

First encounter with royal jelly.

Although it came still cold, and looked very normal, it tasted shall I describe it... It first tasted like something sweet, then sour, like something do concentrated that it has tremendous impact on its flavor...well, here we go with the experiment!;$

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

No dominating follies...

Went for 3rd ultra sound this morning, dr. Said she couldn't see any dominating follies, meaning this week i am ovulation free;( maybe I will keep testing and go in for a iui when it turns positive... If it does.....