Tuesday, April 11, 2017

The journey continues--

As of now we have one 3aa being biopsied for CCS, so onto another round we must plan for the summer-- hopefully sooner than later...


  1. Happy to see a blog from fellow CCRM'er from Philly, who has also been to RMA Philly.

    I am on my way to CO, today have my first FET from my second IVf cycle. My first cycle at RMA was a total disaster. Good luck for your second try. :)

    1. Hi Ann! SO great to see another my fellow Philly lady!! I'm actually coming in in a week to have local monitoring at RMA then off the CO for another ER! BEST OF LUCK!!!

  2. ---Sarah :) I couldn't find my blogger log in lol!!

  3. Good Luck. Hope all goes well and come back with good healthy eggs!

    I was there last week for my FET, which although went great - i think is a bust! I dont feel anything, although i know a lot of times you dont feel anything. BETA on the 3rd. So I am hoping to see a miracle.

    Hope to bump inot you at RMA one day, I will be the short plump Indian girl :)

    Take Care and Good Luck!
