Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy belated mother's day:/

This morning we woke up to a fresh breath of warm morning sunshine; the birds were chirping; the room was warm-- and, this is the day day my heart is mixed with sweet and bitterness --oh Mother's Day. My husband said to me by the pillow side -"happy future Mother's Day--", I didn't know what to think. I guess since we are again, making our step toward another promising cycle, we should naturally be hopeful that coming next one, I will be congratulating myself on this day?.. Then yes, happy Future Mother's Day to me.
Called mom, left a message. She wrote back and said she received the edible arrangement, sweet!
How did our trip go? Hmmm, shall we begin with my wallet getting stolen at a Hudson News stand at the airport? More amazingly, it was found by the port authority police! Yes, you heard it right! They. Found. It! I had never ever in my life imagined that the police actually can solve a crime in timely fashion! Of course We didn't press charge because all my stuff and money were all there, and they couldn't pin point anyone naturally. but,what a miracle!!
We have our first consultation at Copenhagen fertility center next Wednesday. I already have a bucket list for the doctor. Oh by the way, they never did receive my records, bummer!

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