Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Prime cycle #2

Yesterday I called my nurse again, as my lady flow was due 2 days ago but still haven't shown her ever lasting presence. My nurse reminded me that they need CBC, testostrone and another text before my period. Great, no one ever contacted me about these test, and I just spoke with her last week to let her know that I'll be calling around my period.... Typical.
Then the lady flow came last night, also came mid night cramp and terrible sleep, now I'm feeling like a zombie. Had to call again for the day2 test & calendar. It's quite a drive to the lab that offers same day testing, I'm hoping someone sends me the order so I can do all two at once.
Update: another nurse called, no day2 is needed for priming cycle but a day14 testostrone check, and I thought I had learned everything... My tentative retrieval date is May14th, cutting close to our planned departing date for vacation and I'm trying to brain storm how to get the vaccine done for our  fur was a huge pain last year just the cat alone, this year we are adding Mizart to the squat, more complications...!

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