Any promising symptoms? No, nothing out of ordinary from the past experiences. I'm usually pretty crampy from day1, lots of weird, vivid dreams and getting up early. And I'm gassy, thanks to bed rest and stress eating:( To prevent constipation I've been chugging tons of water, so far it's working pretty well.
Here's the 2ww personal obsession resport: According to the embryo growth chart, my 2(or 1)little bean/s should have/has hatched out of shells and beginning to attach onto the uterine wall. Last night I spent + 1 hr studying the embryo grading system, so I could look at the pictures S snatched and conclude without asking the embryologist-- it just feels better coming from myself.
Here's the guilty truth, since I couldn't snatch the picture myself, S had to do the honor. I couldn't really see out little embie because the screen displaying them was rather far from the bed. S took several pictures, when I finally got to see them, my heart sank a little. I couldn't help but feeling disappointed-- the embryos, though not in their best capture quality, seemed less than promising.
What kind of person I am to be saying this to my would be child/children when I have desired them so much and vowed to love them no matter what? I was ashamed toward my initial feelings based solely on their appearance... But I don't have the will to call the embryologist....they are already inside of their mother, knowing their grade make no difference to my outcome. Once again, my little embryos are on their own, finding the oasis to settle and grow. They might not be the best quality embryos but they made this far and I should have never ever doubted their well to survive, as for once I did the very same.